Importance of Good Ventilation for Sheds

When you think about places you should ensure proper ventilation, you probably think about your home, your attic, and your garage. Keeping your home well-ventilated makes it more comfortable, it keeps the air cleaner, and it prevents any structural damage.

But what about your shed, does that need good ventilation? The short answer is yes. While you may not need your shed to be comfortable at all times because you probably don’t spend much time inside it, ensuring proper ventilation in your shed will prevent any problems from developing down the road. Below, we’ll dive into the reasons why good ventilation is important for sheds.

Risks of an Unventilated Shed
Poor ventilation in your attic, basement, or garage, will have the same effects that poor ventilation has on your shed.

  1. Mold and mildew: Excess moisture and high temperatures are a breeding ground for mold and mildew which can simultaneously damage your shed while creating an unhealthy environment.
  2. Structural damage: Not only can mold and mildew cause structural damage, but excess moisture from poor ventilation can cause rot, damaging the floors, walls, and roof of your shed. This eventually puts your shed at risk of collapsing if repairs aren’t made.
  3. Toxic chemicals: Similarly to an unventilated garage, an unventilated shed where gas-powered equipment and toxic chemicals are stored poses a health risk. Toxic fumes accumulate in the air and because it is in such a tight space, they become very concentrated. If you walk into an unventilated shed that’s storing equipment or products releasing these fumes, you’ll be breathing in these toxic substances.
  4. Comfort: While you may not be going into your shed all the time or necessarily spending much time in there when you do, during the heat of the summer, it can make your search for that tool that much better if it’s not scorching hot inside.

How to Ventilate Your Shed

By adding some ventilation to your shed, you can easily avoid all the problems above at a low cost.

  • Wall vents: Wall vents are installed on opposite walls inside your shed, allowing for passive ventilation. This universal ventilation technique improves circulation but can cause cold drafts in the winter.
  • Soffit vents: Soffit vents are air intake vents located on the lower sides of the roof.
  • Ridge vents: Ridge vents are covered vents that fit over the ridge of a roof. Compatible with soffit vents, ridge vents improve circulation within the shed. These vents require a roof with a ridge and also are ideal for new roofs.
  • Windows: Adding windows to your shed can let some light in while simultaneously improving airflow.
  • Solar fan: If you’ve got a larger shed or want active ventilation to seriously upgrade airflow, you may want to consider a solar fan like the 14” Solar Attic Fan 40 Watt.

Questions about ventilation? Give us a call here at at 1.661-775-5979