What States Have the Driest Climate?
The United States is the world's third or fourth biggest country (depending on how you calculate its total area), with around a 9,833,520 km2 area. Because of its size, the frequency and amount of precipitation substantially varies across the country.
Here's a look at some states that have the driest climate.
According to the 2020 National Climate Report, Utah and Nevada, for the year 2020, ranked the driest on record. And, the 7.23 in. of annual precipitation in Utah was 0.89 in less than the 1956 previous record set.
You can also see the difference one year can actually make just by looking at Utah's 2020 precipitation. It was reported well below the recorded 16.94 in. in 2019.
However, Utah wasn't the only dry state during this time. Other than Washington, most of the West recorded below average precipitation totals. And, Utah's neighbor, Nevada, also recorded a low 5.91 in. in the year 2020 as well. For Colorado and Arizona, Utah's other neighbors, it was the second-driest year recorded for the two.
New Mexico, California and Wyoming all recorded precipitation totals that made it to the five worst recorded.
All of America's 10 driest states average no more than 20 in. of rain each year, based on state-wide precipitation averages.
And, winter is actually the driest season of the year for many of the excessively dry states, when a lot of the states in the top ten average less than 1 in of rain a month. California is even drier in the summertime when its monthly rainfall is no more than a quarter inch.
Why Install a Whole House Fan
A dry climate doesn't just affect precipitation either. It can also bring on the rising temperatures. With climate changes causing temperatures to rise, you might be wondering how you can save money on your AC costs. One way is by installing a whole house fan.
A properly installed whole house fan could provide you with a very efficient, natural home cooling solution and cost much less to install, operate and maintain than an AC unit. A whole house fan system draws fresh, cool air in your home through open windows and exhausts the warm, stale indoor air out through your roof's ventilation system. Whole house fans create a cozy living environment while decreasing your need for your AC unit.
If you're living in a desert-like climate, the advantages of installing and using a whole house fan should be a total no-brainer. When installed and operated properly, whole house fans can totally eliminate your need for air conditioning and combat the effect of dry air.
Contact us here at WholeHouseFan.com if you have any questions about our most popular whole house fans, our energy saving whole house fans, or our QuietCool energy saving whole house fan.